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This new page is to give you advice and guidance on the current situation regarding the Covid19 virus,and how we can keep each other as safe as possible.

I will keep this as straight forward as I can,and will integrate segments from the Gov website.

Changes will be updated as official guidelines are implemented.


Updated information from 19th July 2021.

From this date, government restrictions are being relaxed in various ways, including the wearing of masks and social distancing measures.

It is now up to the individual,in most cases, to decide if they wish to wear a face covering or not.

Individual businesses can set their own guidelines.

I have decided that, although a car is a confined space, I will Not say that a mask is compulsory on Lessons, and that we will take each session as it presents itself.

I will however request,on the grounds of protecting us all,that if anyone does develop a cough, cold or sore throat, that may or may not be Covid,that they inform me so that we can both wear a mask on that occasion as a precautionary option.

All cleaning procedures mentioned below in the original guidelines are still applicable.

Should anyone wish to wear a mask,that of course is fine.

Should anyone request that I wear a mask for any reason, that too is fine.

We must still protect ourselves and our family and friends, especially those that are vulnerable.

Should I get a positive test result and need to isolate,that will unfortunately affect everybody's lessons and possible practical test......your practical test....

I have had two vaccinations.

The late cancellation fee will revert back to the previously stated 48hrs, as set out in the main terms and conditions, from 1st August 2021.

All current students at the time of amending this will be individually notified. 


I will ensure that the vehicle is regularly and thoroughly cleaned before and after every session.

Additional cleaning will be undertaken during any session if it is felt necessary by either myself or at the students request.

Antibacterial sprays and wipes will be used on any surface that is necessary, especially,

Door handles, inside and out

Windows and mirrors

Seat belts, seat adjusters and head restraints

All buttons, levers and stalks

Steering wheel and keys


I will not conduct any session if I have been in contact with anybody showing symptoms of Covid19.

I will notify my students as soon as possible should I come into contact with anybody showing symptoms.

If at any point I am required to take a test for Covid19, I will advise my students of the result.

I will ensure that I have washed my hands with either soap and water, or with antibacterial gel or spray before any session begins.

I will wear either an approved FFP3,FFP2 or N95 face mask or face shield throughout the session, until advised by government guidelines that this is no longer necessary.

I will wear nitrile gloves if appropriate and comfortable to do so, or at my students request.

I will keep the car as ventilated as possible by keeping windows open and avoiding using the air-conditioning where conditions allow.

I will avoid touching my face and any part of my student, unless in the strictest interest of road safety.

I will dispose of any tissues used by myself into a sealed bag and use an antibacterial gel or spray on my hands afterwards

I will not greet my student with a hand shake, as would normally be acceptable.

I will not offer chewing gum to my students, as would normally be acceptable.

I will ask my student at the start of every session about any current changes to their health in relation to Covid19 symptoms.

This will include any new persistent cough or fever over 37.7 degrees.

I will declare to my student that I am symptom free at the time of the session commencing.

I will advise my student if I have completed either a 7 or 14 day isolation period.

I will advise my student that due to the nature of the business, I would have come into close contact with multiple persons not from my household.

I will not handle my students training booklet for updates,or share pens with my student.

I will not handle the licence of any new student.Visual clarification will be viewed from the students own hand.

I will display a Key Worker badge when conducting any Key Worker session.

I will have written authorisation with me allowing me to be conducting a Key Worker session.Only until full regular sessions can resume.


I will expect the student not to attend any session if they or any member of their immediate household have any symptoms of Covid19.

I will expect the student to advise myself if they have recently been in close contact with anybody showing symptoms from outside their immediate household, such as college or work.

I will expect the student to give as much notice as possible before cancelling any session.

I will expect the student to advise myself of any test result for Covid19 should they have, or previously had one.

I will expect the student to wash their hands with soap and water, or an antibacterial gel immediately prior to entering the training vehicle.

I would suggest that the student wear an approved, or home made mask during the session, if it is comfortable for them to do so,and there is no medical reason that they couldn't, until guidelines change.

I would suggest that the student wear nitrile gloves if it is comfortable for them to do so.

I will dispose of any tissues used by the student into a sealed bag, and offer the student antibacterial gel for their hands.

I would suggest that the student has their own hand gel with them during their session if possible.

I would suggest that the student wear an additional jacket or jumper on cooler days as the windows will most likely be open for ventilation.

I will expect any Key Worker to have written proof of their profession and identification with them at all times during their session. Only until full regular sessions can resume.

New practical test safety guidelines, regarding the examiner's precautions will be explained nearer to any upcoming test. 

We are in a situation that is new to us all. We are all having to change our daily routines and adapt to this unprecedented environment.

The health and well-being of us all is the top priority.

Further delaying or postponing a Theory or Practical Test may be required in some cases to prevent the spread of Covid19.

It is all of our responsibilities to keep each other safe, especially our vulnerable or elderly friends and relatives.

Many of us will know or even live with somebody in those categories that we need to protect. Myself included.

Should you need to cancel a session at short notice due to either yourself having symptoms, or somebody that you have been in close contact with having any symptoms, and you are required to self isolate, then there will not be any late cancellation fee. 

If we are all honest with each other and look at the wider picture, we will all get through this current situation safe and well.

I am fully aware that some of you may have symptoms that are similar to the listed Covid19 symptoms, but are not related.These may be related to seasonal allergies like hay fever, asthma or even a smokers cough, and I will trust that you will know if something is different from any usual conditions.

We must all also realise that there is the possibility that any of us could be asymptomatic.

I will happily discuss anybodys personal concerns individually.

Please also take into consideration that should any one of you require self isolation, for any reason, then your individual sessions, and possible test would be affected.

Should I require self isolation for any reason, then everybody's sessions and tests will be affected.

With that in mind, I assure you all that I will do my very best to keep us all well by adhering to the guidelines as best as is possible, so that you can all achieve your targets.

This page will be altered and updated as any government guidelines are amended.

I will require an electronic confirmation from every student prior to their session resuming, or starting as new,that they have read this page,along with the terms and conditions page.

Confirmation will be accepted in the form of a text message, messenger message, WhatsApp message or email.

The message should state that these pages have been read and understood, and signed off with the students full name.

I will reply to each of those messages to then confirm the session date and time.

Hampshire Driving Lessons

Basingstoke Driving Lessons 

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